We Deliver
We provider designs and manufacture industrial combustion and pollution control technologies for the petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries, design and engineering of tubeskin measurement sytems, SAR services , etc.
Our Products and Services
- Ultra low emission burners
- Gas and Liquid flaring systems
- Hazardous waste incinerators
- Online continuous process monitors for measuring hydrocarbons in water
- Design and engineering of Multipoint and tubeskin temparature measurement systems
- SAR services for spent sulfuric acid, effectively regenerating it to commercial quality
Zeeco designs and manufactures industrial combustion and pollution control technologies for the petroleum, chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. Zeeco product lines include ultra-low emission burners, gas and liquid flaring systems and hazardous waste incineration.
Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments, Inc. is the worldwide leader in the application of field portable, laboratory and on-line continuous process monitors for measuring hydrocarbons in water. They are in the exclusive business of making laboratory, field portable and on-line instruments based in UV fluorescence technology.
Gayesco (Gayesco International, L.P.) is a world-renowned, quality manufacturer serving the petrochemical, refining and process industries. Gayesco specializes in the custom designed, customer oriented approach to the manufacture of temperature sensors (thermocouples, RTDs and accessories). A specialist in multipoint and tubeskin temperature measurement, Gayesco holds several current and pending patents in multipoint thermocouple systems, tubeskins and other related applications.
DuPont™ STRATCO® Alkylation Technology has the most extensive portfolio in Alkylation development, licensing and equipment Fabrication with over 70 years of experience. DuPont is known as the Innovator of most of the standard practices for Alkylation Technology used over 500 reactors installed throughout the world today. DuPont also provides both SAR (Spent Acid Regeneration) and SGR (Sulphur Gas Recovery) services to refining industry.